Nine Cepheid-Cepheid binaries confirmed spectroscopically
Newly discovered nine binary systems consisting of two Cepheids shed more light on the evolution of multiple systems, and reveal their merger origin.
Newly discovered nine binary systems consisting of two Cepheids shed more light on the evolution of multiple systems, and reveal their merger origin.
An inner companion has recently been discovered orbiting the prototype of classical Cepheids, δ Cep, whose orbital parameters are now reported.
Our colleagues Weronika Narloch and Gergely Hajdu were invited by Frank Timmes to talk about their recent work as part of the AAS Journal Author Series.
Among 45 Milky Way Cepheids, investigated in this study, 13 show near-infrared excess, which is interpreted as the presence of circumstellar envelopes.
A bold hypothesis that outliers above the period-luminosity relation of Classical Cepheids are binaries brings a discovery of 16 new binary Cepheids with giant companions in the LMC.
This exact day 15 years ago we published a paper that became a setting stone for our long-lasting project on improving the calibration of the cosmic distance scale in the local Universe.
Surprising discovery of non-pulsating stars residing inside the instability of LMC Cepheids is further examined with the help of Strömgren photometry.
Metallicity is a vital parameter that impacts classical Cepheids’ luminosities. In all observed bands, metal-poor Cepheids in the SMC are intrinsically fainter than their more metal-rich counterparts in the LMC and MW.
Based on new observations and improved modeling techniques, we have re-analyzed seven Cepheids in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
Precise mass determination for a classical Cepheid in the double-lined, highly eccentric eclipsing binary system OGLE-LMC562.05.9009.