Synthetic population of binary Cepheids

Visualization of the matrix of shifts in distance moduli can be accessed as a python notebook run on Google Colab: here

Shifts in distance moduli are also available to download as a binary file (.npy), which can be extracted using a command:

import numpy as np
d = np.load('shiftsDM.npy',allow_pickle=True).item()

The file has a structure of a Python dictionary and the keywords look like this:


which means that:

  • the reference and target galaxies
    • were created on the basis of set D of initial parameters distributions (D)
    • were created with the instability strip prescription of Anderson (A)
    • were created from the star formation history based on the Cepheid ages (C)
  • the reference galaxy has metallicity Z=0.008 (008)
  • the target galaxy has metallicity Z=0.02 (02)
  • the results are presented in the Wesenheit index WJK

Download: shiftsDM.npy

Download: Paper I

Download: Paper II (soon in press)