The Sloan Pan-STARSS1 gri light curves of Type II Cepheids

We provide the Sloan Pan-STARSS1 gri light curves for 38 Type II Cepheids (16 of BL Her type 17 of W Vir type, 2 of RV Tau type, 3 pW Vir stars), as well as 1 Type I first-overtone Cepheid. Data were obtained with 16 robotic the 40 cm telescopes of the Las Cumbres Observatory Telescope Network in the g’r’i’ Sloan filters, and later calibrated using the ATLAS-REFCAT2 (Tonry et al. 2018) catalog, which is on the Pan-STARRS implementation of the Sloan photometric system.

The light curves come from the paper: Period-Luminosity Relations for Galactic Type II Cepheids in the Sloan bands (Narloch et al. 2025, submitted to A&A).

List of Type II Cepheids of BL Her type: AU_Peg, BL_Her, BX_Del, FM_Del, NW_Lyr, RT_TrA, SW_Tau, V439_Oph, V465_Oph, V477_Oph, V553_Cen, V606_Pup, V971_Aql, V2022_Sgr, VY_Pyx, VZ_Aql

Download T2Cep light curves of BL Her type (32K)

List of Type II Cepheids of W Vir type: AL_Lyr, AX_Tel, CO_Pup, CO_Sct, DD_Vel, FI_Sct, HQ_Car, HQ_Cen, MR_Ara, QX_Aqr, RS_Pav, ST_Pup, TX_Del, V410_Sgr, V741_Sgr, VZ_Tau, W_Vir

Download T2Cep light curves of W Vir type (36K)

List of stars of other variable types: V572_Aql (Cep1O), AL_Vir (pWVir), AP_Her (pWVir), BH_Oph (pWVir), TW_Cap (RVTau), V1711_Sgr (RVTau)

Download light curves of stars of other variable types (12K)

Contact person: wnarloch (AT)