We provide the Sloan Pan-STARSS1 gri light curves for 44 RRab and 9 RRc stars. Data were obtained with 16 robotic the 40 cm telescopes of the Las Cumbres Observatory Telescope Network in the g’r’i’ Sloan filters, and later calibrated using the ATLAS-REFCAT2 (Tonry et al. 2018) catalog, which is on the Pan-STARRS implementation of the Sloan photometric system.
The light curves come from the paper: Period-Luminosity and Period-Luminosity-Metallicity Relations for Galactic RR Lyrae stars in the Sloan bands (Narloch et al. 2024, A&A, 689, 138).
List of RRab stars: AA_Aql, AV_Peg, BB_Eri, BH_Peg, BK_Tuc, BR_Aqr, BT_Aqr, CD_Vel, CP_Aqr, DH_Hya, DN_Aqr, DX_Del, EW_Cam, HH_Pup, RR_Cet, RR_Gru, RR_Leo, RU_Scl, RV_Cet, RV_Phe, RX_Cet, RX_Eri, S_Ara, SS_For, ST_Pic, SV_Eri, SW_And, SX_For, SZ_Gem, TT_Lyn, U_Lep, U_Pic, UU_Cet, V341_Aql, V4424_Sgr, V675_Sgr, V_Ind, VW_Scl, W_Tuc, WY_Ant, X_Ari, X_Ret, XZ_Gru, Z_Mic
Download RRab light curves (77K)
List of RRc stars: AE_Boo, CS_Eri, EV_Psc, IY_Eri, LS_Her, MT_Tel, RU_Psc, RU_Sex, T_Sex
Download RRc light curves (17K)
Contact person: wnarloch (AT) camk.edu.cl