We present a collection of deep near-infrared photometric maps of galaxies in the Local Group. The maps have been collected during 20+ years of the Araucaria Project, and parts of them were presented in a number of scientific papers. For the first time, we share the entire collection.
The data file is prepared to be read using python pandas, e.g.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_fwf("db_Car.txt",dtype={"JD_J": str,"JD_K": str})
If you find our photometric maps useful, please acknowledge our work and cite:
P. Karczmarek et al., The Araucaria Project: Deep Near-infrared Photometric Maps of Local and Sculptor Group Galaxies. I. Carina, Fornax, and Sculptor, (2021, ApJS 253, 42) → export citation
We welcome comments and suggestions: pkarczmarek AT camk.edu.pl
I. Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies
Target | Information | Data (size) | Completeness |
Carina | Carina info | Carina database (3 MB) | Carina completeness table Carina completeness plots |
Fornax | Fornax info | Fornax database (18 MB) | Fornax completeness table Fornax completeness plots |
Sculptor | Sculptor info | Sculptor database (0.3 MB) | Sculptor completeness table Sculptor completeness plots |
Entire collection of FITS images can be found on Zenodo.
II. Local Group Galaxies
Photometric maps in preparation. Expected release date: Feb 1, 2023.
III. Sculptor Group Galaxies
Photometric maps in preparation. Expected release date: Feb 1, 2024.
IV. Magellanic Clouds
Photometric maps in preparation. Expected release date: Feb 1, 2025.