We’re hiring!
Join the Araucaria Project! We offer:
- 2 positions for PhD students
- 3 positions for postdocs
at Centrum Astronomiczne im. M. Kopernika PAN, Warsaw, Poland, in the field of pulsating stars and extragalactic distance scale.
You will be working in a diverse team of unique personalities and sharp minds, dedicated to delivering top quality results and having fun while doing it (-:
You will be using and collecting highest quality photometric and spectroscopic data from the world’s best observatories in Chile
You will be funded from the European Research Council Synergy Grant, agreement no 951549, granted to a project “Sub-percent calibration of the extragalactic distance scale in the era of big surveys – UniverScale”
Preferred starting date is May 1, 2022 (postdocs), and October 1, 2022 (PhD students), but is to some extent negotiable.
Application deadline: March 31, 2022, 23:00 CET
Links to offers for PhD students:
- https://camk.edu.pl/en/archiwum/2022/02/02/one-research-assistant-position-field-pulsating-stars/
- https://camk.edu.pl/en/archiwum/2022/02/02/one-research-assistant-position-field-cosmic-distances/
Links to offers for postdocs:
- https://camk.edu.pl/en/archiwum/2022/02/02/one-post-doctoral-position-stellar-astrophysics-and-distance-scale/
- https://camk.edu.pl/en/archiwum/2022/02/02/one-post-doctoral-position-field-pulsating-stars-and-extragalactic-distance-scale/
- https://camk.edu.pl/en/archiwum/2022/02/02/one-post-doctoral-position-stellar-astronomy/